State Population
50-75 Gallons/Day
Per Person Water Consumption
202 Million BTUs
Energy Consumption
Banyan is a national submetering and billing company that provides utility submetering solutions for property owners, property managers and property developers in the state of Connecticut. At Banyan we specialize in submetering and allocation of water, gas and electric utilities for multifamily homes, mobile homes, commercial properties, apartment buildings, new construction, condominiums and military housing. We provide a host of services including Submetering Design, Installation, Maintenance & Ongoing Service, Utility Expense Management, Customized Ratio Utility Billing Systems (RUBS), Billing & Collections and Meter Maintenance & Compliance. To ensure you get the best possible service we employ a team of highly knowledgeable technicians that combined have over 20 years of experience. Once your system has been installed not only will we help you maintain it, but we will also monitor your system on a regular basis to make sure it is doing its job. If you have a maintenance team our technicians will work with them to address any and all issues as soon as they arise. We will also work with you one on one to ensure the transition from resident introduction to installation is as quick and easy as possible. At Banyan we are committed to being one of the best in our industry. Our live support team offers support in both English and Spanish. Our friendly customer service team is equipped to handle every request and question in a very timely and effective manner. We track every inquiry to ensure it gets responded to and resolved as quickly as possible. By offering a wide range of products and services in utility submetering, utility management and utility conservation, we are able to provide all of our clients with results that endure. Request a quote, or call us today at 800.266.0968 to get more information on what we can do for you and your property!
Connecticut Legal Info
Public Utilities Regulatory Authority is in charge of regulating services and rates for electricity, natural gas and water. Implementing of billing services using submeters or Ratio Utility Billing system (RUBs) are allowed for electricity and water but submetering is not allowed for natural gas billing.
Billing Service Providers are required to apply and be approved for licenses from a regulatory agency prior to starting the servicing of the client’s billing accounts. This requirement applies to several different areas of the USA. The license has to remain current and valid while doing business in these regions. The information on this page is deemed to be accurate but updates may occur at any time. Please Contact Banyan with your specific questions about your area of service.
Connecticut Submetering
In July of 2013 the submetering laws in the state of Connecticut were redefined. Before this new legislation passed submetering was only allowed at recreational campgrounds, and at individual slips at marinas for metering the electric use by individual boat owners. Now, thanks to a new energy bill signed into law by the Governor, any commercial, industrial, multifamily residential or multi-use building where electric power or thermal energy is provided by a Class I renewable source is allowed to install submeters. This of course is great news for property owners as it will allow them to see exactly how much water each tenant is using on a regular basis and use that information to come up with a plan to better conserve water. Banyan, one of the leading utility submetering and billing companies in the state of Connecticut, works directly with property owners, managers and developers to promote water conservation through the use of submeters. Not only will we help you find the best submetering system for your project, but we will also design it, install it, and make sure it is up to code. To ensure we can design a submetering system for any situation we utilize water meters from various manufactures including Master Meter, Elster and Neptune to name a few. Some of the reasons you may want to consider using submeters for all water connections include the ability to charge tenants based on the actual amount of water they use every month, the ability to detect water leaks quickly, stabilized monthly rent payments, less paperwork and an overall better property value just to name a few.
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